Algebra Word Search: There are 26 hidden Algebra terms in this free puzzle.Math Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle: There are only 24 words and phrases to find in this math word search puzzle but they are quite advanced and this may be better for older kids.Math Terms Word Search: There are 23 hidden math terms in this free, printable word search puzzle.Geometry Word Search: You'll need to find 23 geometry vocab words to solve this word search puzzle.Measurement Word Search Puzzle: Find all 21 measurement terms to solve this printable math word search puzzle.Measurement Word Search: There are 20 hidden words all having to do with measurements in this word search puzzle.Money & Finance Vocabulary Word Search: You'll need to find 20 hidden words on money and finance in this advanced word search puzzle.Mathematics Word Search Puzzle: There are 20 hidden math words and phrases in this puzzle.Math Terms Word Search: Find 20 math terms in this large math word search puzzle.Math Word Search Puzzle: There are 19 hidden basic math terms inside this math word search puzzle.Math Word Search: This free, printable word search has 18 hidden words all having to do with math.Statistics Word Search Puzzle: Find 18 statistics terms in this free math word search puzzle.5-Digit Number Find Puzzle: This is a unique math word search where you'll need to find 18 5-digit numbers instead of words.Math Word Search: Find 18 words all related to math in this free puzzle.Middle School Math Word Search: This 17-word math word search puzzle is perfect for kids in upper elementary and middle school.The math word search puzzles below have 16-30 hidden words and are great for children in grades 4-5. The kids also might like these free color by number worksheets to work on their counting and number identification. Math Word Search: There are 15 words hiding among the letters that you'll need to find in order to solve this math word search puzzle.

Easy Math Word Search: You'll need to find 15 hidden words to solve this easy breezy puzzle for kids.Geometry Word Search: There are 15 hidden geometry terms in this free, printable math word search puzzle.This puzzle would be great for older kids. Money Management Word Search: There are 14 hidden words about money management in this puzzle.Addition Word Search: This math puzzle will have kids solving 12 math problems and finding the answer in the puzzle.Multiplication & Division Word Search Challenge: This math word search puzzle has 12 hidden words.Shapes Word Search Puzzle: This is a great math word search puzzle to introduce 12 names of shapes.Numbers Eleven to Twenty Word Search: Another great math word search where children will need to find the numbers 11 to 20.Money Word Search Fun: There are 10 words all having to do with money in this free, printable word search puzzle.Place Value Word Search: Find the 9 terms related to place value in this puzzle.Math Word Search: Find just 7 hidden words about basic math functions in this free puzzle.Money Word Search: This math word search is a great way to introduce kids to common money terms.Numbers to Ten Word Search: Find the numbers 1 to 10 in this math word search puzzle great for the little ones.

They're a great activity for kids in grades 1-3. These math word search puzzles have 15 words or less and are considered easy.